Monday, August 24, 2009

Youre not really here, its just the radio.

Its Mat's birthday, happy birthday mat.

its that time of the year again, where i cry about being broke and somehow manage to pay for one class this semester that i will probably drop. hurrah.

going to bisbee this weekend was a nice escape.
15 degrees cooler and no cell phone or wifi.

i really dont want to go back to pima, i really dont want to go back home.

One day I will learn to stop expecting so much from people, and perhaps from myself as well.

the dreams are returning, with or without company, and i wake up scared.
perhaps it is the impending threat of loneliness, which is also making me feel lonely already.

One day i will be genuinely happy with my surroundings again.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

.is back from hawaii iiawah morf kcab si.