Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I came from this city, a victim of peace...

I appologize for the ugliness of this post in advance, i have yet to master the formatting on this blogscape and it troubles me still. Alas, i am far too lazy to capitalize my "i"s let alone put too much effort into this but a half hour before i trudge to the slave factory.

its been a few days, but alot has happend.
tegan and sara was an awesome experience...aly's birthday happend.
but i think i will go in order; there are alot of pictures, and its late so it probably wont all be said or shown tonight.
Lets start on Haloween.
Party at Nate and Jacob's Apartment: Korey didnt stay long, he got a ride home with marcella, niether of them dressed up and i was sober while they were there so i didnt catch any pictures of them.


fd said...

cute party, and I love how your camera is so good that even drunkies who (speaking from personal experience) rarely look good in pictures, look beautiful in yours

Anonymous said...

"Hey man . . .
izzz Janis!"

Anonymous said...
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