Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I need a new job

fucking fuck shit, i am so fucking ill its disgusting. ive got fucking body aches, fucking sore ass throat, mean fucking flemmy ass cough and sneezes all over the goddamn mother fuckin place. and i STILL have to be at work by 2. If you saw someone fitting that description would you want to p[ut your fucking 1yr old baby close to them!?!?! i think NOT!. so why do i still have to go to work!?! cuase we are understaffed that why.

im pretty sure the pure hatefulness of this blog just made its way to my boss cause she just called and got someone to cover for me by 3, looks like only a little bit of work now! yaaay :cough: bleh.

in other news Yanar moved far far away this morning and i will miss her alot...I told her i would see her in may after a long conversation we had about getting our lives to happen. We been sleep, Here's to adventures.Publish Post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww sicky poo
i have some x-rated photographs for you ;)
hope to see you soon