Monday, February 25, 2008


So, today was pretty shitty. While I am still recovering from Saturday night and Sundays horrific hangover...I went to school late today, told my teacher it was cause I had a doctors appointment....He was worried about me, I've been sick for a while.
Hung out with Korey today, that was fun at last... he has friends way cooler than me now, cool friends that hate me. Whatever, he found a place to live that is about ten million times closer than he is now. Yay. This picture is old...but I kinda like it. lawl...
This weekend I went to Flagstaff, I traveled alone and felt like my own little indie movie on the bus. Pretty lame. But the music was good, the reading was better and I got to sit alone for over half of my trip. Staying with Aly was pretty much amazing, even if there was a whole lot of roommate drama. She introduced me to some extremely awesome ladies that she's bringing to town this Friday I believe, excellent. This weekend (in no particular order) I: Smoked a lot, stood in the snow for too long, did a lot of blow, had wet feet, bought beer illegally from a gas station(kind of), took a lot of pictures of prancing gay boys, drank a lot, messed around with a vaguely (but not too) cute Jewish boy, watched a French film in a library, loved Aly, met a fellow Nerd Fighter, got way too drunk, walked alone in an unfamiliar city while really drunk, had my first true hangover, drank in the morning to relieve it, had a half hour nose bleed, toasted with some sorority girls I didn't know(they were walking when I was), and didn't have my heart explode. It was fun.

My mom gave me a lot of bullshit today...out of nowhere. About shit that im already aware of, as Nico would say "Please don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them"

So help me lord, I am so going to re-create this photo, but its gonna be me chugging that boones farm. Maybe not in a tux, but it will be classy shit.

School is kicking my ass... still...


Anonymous said...

Oh jesus... I look retarded. And I never got better friends... >>

Anonymous said...

you walked alone in flagstaff whilst drunk? sounds fun

i think you should have mentioned your 45 minute drunken phone conversation with me and (i'm still not sure how or what exactly happened) you fell into a bathtub during said conversation and didn't tell me and i didn't know until i heard someone say "are you alright?"

. . . well that was the highlight of my weekend at least :-D

i'm glad you had a great time in flag!!!!!

fd said...