Thursday, October 9, 2008

To my Lover, Napoleon:

This morning I awoke at the quaint hour of 12:00, noon to be precise.
upon waking I showered, shared a quick word with my lovely roommate and thereafter decided not to go to my writing 102 class at 1:40pm.
Not attending my academic practices for the day invoked a need to do something productive. My aforementioned roommate, Rachel, made the sharp suggestion that we pay a visit to the newly opened Walgreen's, not more than a block away.
The Newly opened Walgreen's was an exciting adventure indeed, not to mention it took far longer to reach than was expected. We wandered to the seasonal "Halloween" isle first, for it was by far the attraction of the store. This Halloween isle held not only a wide variety of trick or treat candies and various costumes and decoration, but little to my previous knowledge, it was also home to the love of my life. I saw him at first and was intrigued, but refused to look was not until I was standing next to him for a moment or two, discussing prospects with Rachel that I took my second glance. That was when the feeling swept over me, I turned to my Napoleon, I looked him straight in the eyes...he looked back at me, unwavering. It was not for a moment later that I noticed his name tag, "Napoleon Blownapart" and I was hit even harder with insatiable love.
To make a ridiculously long story short, I lifted my beloved Napoleon Blownapart off of his prison of the Walgreen's shelving...his exposed heart in my hands, we perused the store for a while and I took him home with me.

tonight, while searching my new lover on google (to make sure he didn't have a criminal record)I came across a grindcore/thrash band out of San Francisco by the same name as he,
sfthrash , a coup0le movies and something about sports....

Well, just thought I'd update you folks . . . Napoleon and I are off to bed!

1 comment:

Lover Applewhite said...

This all sounds pretty romantic.