Saturday, October 4, 2008

who am i to claim such moral heights?

if i let you down, it wasn't me, but you, who kept me 'round...
and if you should feel betrayed... it wasn't me, but you who made me stay.

work was so hard today, i haven't worked a busy Saturday alone in a good six months or more.
my arms are all sore from lifting children all day. at the same time my head is spinning from having to make happy sounds and my throat hurts from yaying and cooing to babies =(
pros= 36 hours this week

some asshole scheduled a 7 o clock appointment online today... i seriously felt like i was gonna kill a bitch when i saw it appear on the books at around 4pm. (we close at 7)

Aly: i was working on this really great mix for you for like 3 days...and when i was one craigslist the other day i totally accidentally deleted it =( but i promise promise promise it will be up soon

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