Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'll fight like hell, to hide that I'm giving up.

Saw Yanar today and heard some crazy ass stories about living on the streets of Greece, she amazes me.

Starting to get the feeling that I've been working way too much lately, though I get a day or two off every week, it always gets spent in some less than enjoyable way.

I'm feeling unhappy lately.
I don't like that.

In response to my last post, here is my horoscope for today, the 29th:
Leo Horoscope
At times like this, it's important to remember what keeps you honest and human. The world around you benefits from your happiness and enthusiasm. Spread your energy to others and they will look fondly upon you. Movement in any direction could be uncomfortable, but you mustn't remain motionless.

I feel motionless lately, and extremely unenthusiastic.
Goal for this week : change that.

lets see if it happens.

First step I suppose will be deciding on a date to get my movement headed towards San Francisco.

Working is hard.
Working is especially hard when you're there all day.
Working is especially hard when you're there all day and by the time you're off you have at least 5 different people asking to hang out with you alone.

Its hard to make time for everyone and as much as I would like to spend time with every single person I love and have "you and me time" it really is really fucking hard. =(
I feel like I'm slowly growing apart from all of my friends.
I feel like I haven't hung out with Jacob in a billion years, I feel like I don't see Marcella enough and she is totally depressed right now and I want to help her out. I NEVER see Korey anymore which hurts my soul, I feel like I don't spend enough time with Rachel, don't see my boyfriend as much as I'd like, Mat is an uncommon sight as well, not to mention Yanar's return to town, I'm missing the hell out of Aly but there's not much I can do about that...and let's be honest, I'd really like to hang out with my mom.

I know, I know...what selfish bullshit to be complaining about, but you know what this is my blog and I'll write about the bullshit I want and i'll loose sleep over not being able to satiate all of my there.

I'm so done.

good fucking night.

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